
AirBnB clone - The console :ab::rocket:

The AirBnB clone project starts now until… the end of the first year. The goal of the project is to deploy on your server a simple copy of the AirBnB website.

This project was created to Holberton School.

Table of contents :clipboard:

Description :triangular_ruler:

The console is the first segment of the AirBnB project at Holberton School that will collectively cover fundamental concepts of higher level programming. The goal of AirBnB project is to eventually deploy our server a simple copy of the AirBnB Website(HBnB). A command interpreter is created in this segment to manage objects for the AirBnB(HBnB) website.

This is the first step towards building our first full web application: the AirBnB clone.

A command interpreter to manage our Airbnb clone objects:

Installation :floppy_disk:

File description :file_folder:

AUTHORS     /models  

Example :computer:

Contributors :two_women_holding_hands:

@Hugo Santiago - Github - @Roberto Palacios - Github